
刊名: 课程·教材·教法
       Curriculum, Teaching Material and Method
主办:  人民教育出版社 课程教材研究所
周期:  月刊
语种:  中文
开本:  大16K
ISSN: 1000-0186
CN:   11-1278/G4

国家新闻出版总署收录 ASPT来源刊


2011年度核心期刊,国家新闻出版总署收录 ASPT来源刊,中国期刊网来源刊,百种重点期刊,社科双百期刊,首届全国优秀社科期刊。


【作者】 高红伟

【机构】 黑龙江省鸡西市树梁中学

【正文】  随着英语教育教学的普及,我们的孩子在小学阶段便早早地开设了英语课程;随着网络的发展及现代化的信息交流方式的不断研发,学生们接触英语的机会也越来越多。所以孩子们在英语学习中,不再那么生涩和困难重重。对于英语阅读,学生们也日渐熟悉。国家首都图书馆免费为大家提供的各种英文绘本、网络上各式各样的英文原版书籍、校园图书吧的各种英文原版杂志都为学生们提供了丰富的阅读资源。所以在英语阅读材料资源丰富和孩子们英语阅读兴趣浓厚的状况下,学生们学好英语阅读已经不再是难事。但是英语作为一门相对较难的考试科目;孩子们的学习方法和学习能力又存在着各式各样的差异;英语阅读理解又是英语考试试卷当中的主体部分,所以初中英语阅读课的教学现状也并非十分乐观,还存在着以下几点问题:
  1 、学生们由于词汇匮乏而导致的英语阅读障碍。
  一、 Skimming
  Skimming is a method of acquiring the general idea of each passage by reading the title, the first sentence or the last sentence of each paragraph. Especially we ought to be careful,when we meet firstly,secondly, because, however, as a result and so on.
  二、  Scanning
  Firstly, we read the questions, and remember what they asked.
  Secondly,we read the passage,with the aim of finding out the answers to the questions in details.
  In the end, we can answer the questions accurately.
  三、 Careful reading.
  1  Pre-reading
  I will introduce the background about the reading material in English, including the culture and the activities mentioned in the passage. I will lead the students to watch the videos connected with the article, and talk about some relative topics. I'll also get some students to prepare for it. 
  2  While-reading
  I lead the students to study the passage in details. We will learning the English grammar appearing in the article. We will learn the words In the vocabulary. We will learn the pronunciation, the Chinese meaning and the use of the new words. I will lead the students to read the text sentence by sentence. 
  3  Post-reading
  In order to check if the students understand the whole passage, we will go on the post-reading by doing the exercises in the textbook or filling the diagrams.